Friday 6.18.10

The CrossFit Total

Add your 1rm in the following lifts to calculate your CrossFit Total:
- Back Squat
- Shoulder Press
- Deadlift

The Rules:
There is no time limit for each lift or for the length of the session in which they are all performed, but they must all be performed during one session and they must be performed in the order listed.

The first attempt would be a weight you know you can do for a heavy set of three. The second attempt would be a weight you know without any doubt that you could do for a single, having just done the first attempt. And the third attempt is the weight you want to do, based on your performance on the previous two attempts.

Post each individual single best lift, plus the total of the three for your CrossFit Total Score! bc


  1. Metcon: Squat 155 (145)
    Press 70 (55)
    Lift 245 (215)
    Total 470

  2. back squat 145
    shoulder press 67
    deadlift 170
    total 382
    increase from 365 on 02/26/10

  3. The Cross Fit Total
    Back Squat 105
    Shoulder Press 67
    Deadlift 135
    TOTAL: 307

  4. METCON:
    Back Squat: 225
    Shoulder Press: 125
    Deadlift: 275

    Hit my Deadlift goal today. The morning crew was wearing their SUPER bad faces this morning. Lots of new max's hit. Great job guys/gals you all rock

  5. Crossfit Total:
    Back Squat: 155
    Shoulder Press: 60
    Deadlift: 200

    Each lift was a PR for me today. Awesome morning, so exciting to see everyone hit their personal records and getting stronger and better.

  6. Back Squat: 175
    Shoulder Press: 80
    Deadlift: 185 :(

    My goal is to hit a 200 deadlift by the end of this month. Watch...I'm gonna do it on this trip! Danyel and Dani you chicks are amazing!!! Awesome gains and great attitudes. Keep it up!

  7. 30min: 800 row, 20 KB swings, 20 situps, 20 push ups
    4x + 150row

  8. -Back Squat- 430
    -Shoulder Press- 200 (5 less than last time)
    -Deadlift- 525 (5 lbs PR)

    Total- 1155

  9. Back Squat 430
    Shoulder Press 200
    Deadlift 525

    Total: 1155

  10. back squat:205
    Shoulder press:100
    PR on all three!!!!!


  11. Chris
    Back Squat: 285
    Shoulder Press: 135
    Dead Lift: 315
    Total: 735 - Woo Hoo!!!

  12. Back Squat: I can't remember i'll check tomorrow
    Shoulder Press: 57lbs! I beat my goal!!!!
    Deadlift: 135lbs

    PR on all three!!!

  13. 800 meter row
    20 kettle bell @ 18#
    20 sit ups
    20 band pull ups

    3 rounds in 30 minutes

  14. Back Squat: 165
    Shoulder Press: 90
    Deadlift: 225
    Total: 480

  15. Back squat: 145 (yay! goal was 130)
    Shoulder press: 65 (boo! not a pr)
    Deadlift: 165 (pr)
    Total: 375

    Wish I could have seen the super stars (Danyel & Dani)this morning!! So awesome!!

  16. Back Squat:235 pr
    Shoulder press: 115
    Dead lift: 300 pr

  17. 350 squat (PR)
    145 press
    250 dead lift (PR)

    = 875

  18. Back Squat: 105 lbs
    Shoulder Press: 57 lbs
    Dead Lift: 135 lbs

  19. Back Squat: 315
    Shoulder Press: 185
    Dead Lift: 365
    Total: 865
