Thursday 6.10.11

Robb Wolf is the owner of NorCal Strength and Conditioning, writer of his own nutrition blog, and a genius in all things Paleo.

Robb Wolf's Facebook page featured an article yesterday called "Health Benefits of a Low-Carbohydrate, High-Saturated Fat Diet". Interesting stuff, give it a read.

Back Squat 5x3

5 rounds for time of:
- 5 Push Jerks (155/105)
- 10 Burpees (jump over the bar each rep)

WOD Tips:
For the SWOD, this will be the last heavy squat day before we total, so really work on first, mastery of the technique and proper depth, and second push your limits! Remember this is 5 sets of 3 reps.

For the metcon, set up your bar, and storm through the WOD for time. The push jerks should be challenging so choose a heavy weight you can do with good form, and that you can clean to the starting position each round. On each burpee, remember to squat not sprawl, and then jump laterally over the barbell on each rep.

Post weights and times to the comments section! bc


  1. Finally made it to an am class (PR)!
    Back squat 110 5x3
    Metcon: 11:50 (75lb push jerk)

  2. Metcon first: 5:58 as Rx'd
    SWOD: Box Squats. Fixed form to 15.5" box. 315 x 3.

  3. SWOD:
    Worked back squats up to 405x1
    Then I did Front Squat 315x3 for a new 3rm PR!

    6:54 as rx'd. Legs were smoked from all the squats.

  4. SWOD 205 5x3

    Metcon 1x115,4x95
    (Could've pushed more but had a hard
    time with the clean)

  5. SWOD: 35 lb bar-worked on form
    Metcon: 14:43-60 lb push jerk

  6. Swod: 190x5
    metcon: 11:17@ 115 lb push jerk

  7. SWOD: Box Squats. Fixed form to 15.5" box @ 225 lb
    Metcon: 7:04 @ 105 lbs.

  8. 5x3x165# Back Squats PR
    Metcon: 14:45@95#

  9. SWOD: 95lbs 3x5
    Metcon: 10:26 @ 65lbs

  10. SWOD: One rep max on bench press 115lbs :)!!
    METCON: 500 row, 25 back extensions, 25 hollow rocks....5x
