Friday 7.30.10

"Fran" is one of CrossFit's benchmark WOD's. It is short and fast, and has been known to produce the above effect in those who take it lightly!


Thruster 1rm


"50% Fran"

21-15-9 rep rounds of:

- 50% of your 1rm Thruster

-Pull Ups

WOD Tips:

For the SWOD, work up to a 1rm barbell thruster, which we last did on 5.18.10. Take the bar from the rack on these, and remember this is just a front squat into a push press. All of the technique points for those two lifts apply!

For the metcon, take 50% of your thruster 1rm for "Fran", instead of the usual 95# for men and 65# for women. If you're really strong, this may mean that you do "Fran" above the rx'd weight, but if you got some work to do, you will still be able to do the WOD at the same intensity level as everyone else! The pull ups can be strict, kipped, jumping, with bands, chin ups...whatever you need to do to get the work done, but push yourself to use the hardest method possible. I would rather finish in 10:00 with real pull ups than 5:00 with a scaled version. Don't let a fast time cause you to cheat yourself out of fitness gains.

Post weights and times to the comments section! bc


  1. SWOD: Thruster 1RM-75lbs

    Metcon: 21-15-9 rounds in 7:19 of
    Pull Ups-jumping

  2. so good week at the gym......sore all over.....
    thrusters 1rm 65lbs

    Oh, gotta love Fran!!!!!!!!!
    21-15-9 35lbs


  3. SWOD: Thrusters 1 rm 80 lbs

    WOD: Fran 21-15-9 5:03
    -Thrusters 40 lbs
    -Jumping pull ups

    Thanks Brad and Craig for pushing me!

  4. CFFB WOD...

    Deadlift 4x1 at 495 (90% of 1rm)
    GHD Sit Sups: 20, 20, 10

    3 Power Clean and Jerks on the minute for 8:00. 5 burpee penalty for each rep not completed. I used 225 and got all the reps. No penalties.

  5. CFFB WOD...

    Deadlift 4x1 at 315 (90% of 1rm)
    GHD Sit Sups: 12, 12, 10

    3 Power Clean and Jerks on the minute for 8:00. 5 burpee penalty for each rep not completed. I started with 80% of my 1rm for cleans, 165 lbs. stripped it to 155 in round 4, then to 135 for round 8 (65%). got all the reps. No penalties.

  6. l rm of thrusters 115lbs.

    SWOD @65lbs, 11:49

  7. 1 rm thrusters 95#, fran 5:35 47#
    first fran with jumping pullups

  8. We had several PR's on Thrusters tonight!! Nice job to Steffanie,Kristen,Bob and Thom!!!! Everybody kicked Fran's butt. Now go enjoy your Friday deserve it.-EE

  9. SWOD: Thruster 1rm 75lbs
    Metcon: Fran 7:53 (45lbs)

  10. Thanks Erica and Nicole!! Great Coaching!

    SWOD: 100lbs 1rm (PR)
    Metcon: 7:30 with 55lbs thrusters and jumping pull ups

  11. SWOD: 155lbs PR
    Metcon: Fran 7:03 with 80lbs
    Missed my personal goal by 3 seconds!

  12. SWOD: 195 new PR for thrusters
    METCON: 7:10 with the RX 95 Pullups: half kipping the other half jumping.

    First time doing Fran, and I kinda liked it. Worked my whole body. Great Job this week everyone, I was only able to make it three times this week, but you guys kept me motivated.

  13. SWOD:
    Deadlift 4x1 at 495, 495(fail), 475, 475(fail)
    GHD Sit Sups: 20, 20, 2 (back sore)

    3 Power Clean and Jerks on the minute for 8:00. 5 burpee penalty for each rep not completed. I used 225 and got all the reps. No penalties.

  14. SWOD: 165, new PR.

    Metcon: 5:32, Rx'd. The SWOD really took its toll on me. Fran was brutal today.

  15. Thruster: 95 lbs (pr) failed at 100 lbs
    50% Fran: 7:03 @ 50 lbs, jumping pullups
