Friday 9.03.10

Steve working hard on his birthday

SWOD: Chin Ups 3-3-3-3-3 reps

Metcon: 21-18-15-12-9-6 and 3 rep rounds of:
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75/ 45 pounds
Push jerk, 75/ 45 pounds

Chin ups are with palms facing you. Try to work up to your highest 3 reps, ascending in weight each set. Or work the negative movements or static holds, as you work towards pullups. If you are close, continue to work your kipping pull ups.

For the metcon, the weight is light, so you can work on form. Only go as fast as your form can stay solid during the up and down portions of the lifts.

Post weights and times to comments.


  1. chin ups = body weight, l0, 20, 35, 35
    metcon = 17:18

  2. SWOD: Chin Ups Body Weight Holds

    Metcon: 16:21 with 75#

  3. SWOD: Negative chin ups
    Metcon: 11:29

  4. CFFB
    On the Minute:

    Complete 2 Power Cleans & 10 Double Unders on the minute for 15 minutes.
    used 155 lbs for the cleans (75% of max)

  5. SWOD negatives/jumping
    WOD 14:20 @ 55#

  6. For those who don't know, today is Holly's birthday! I didn't know either until Facebook told me! Happy birthday Holly! bc

  7. SWOD CHIN UPS 25X3,35X3,35X3,35X2.9(ALMOST MADE IT),25X3
    METCON 75LBS 13:24

  8. swod: chinups 3xbw 3x18lb.kb 3x26 kb, 3x35kb, 1x44kb/2x43 belt
    metcon: 12:something rx'd

  9. I did not know that either! HAPPY BIRTHDAY HOLLY! (Thats not yelling it at you, just showing excitment). Thanks for all you do for us!

  10. swod: chinups 3xbw 3x18lb.kb 3x26 kb, 3x35kb, /3x45 belt
    metcon: 8:48 rx'd

  11. SWOD: Negative chin ups
    Metcon: 16:34 (55#s)

  12. swod: neg chin ups
    metcon: 18:02 as rx'd

  13. SWOD- Chin-ups up to 3 reps with 5lbs

    Metcon- 13:55 as rx'd
