Saturday 10.23.10

WOD: "Amazing Grace" for time

- Clean & Jerks (135/95)

Ground to over head. Your choice of power cleans or full cleans and push jerk or split jerk. I know we are all going to be pumped up, however, do NOT sacrifice form for time. Make sure that you are keeping a tight core, staying back on your heels, and getting good HIP DRIVE. From the bottom, driving with your elbows up and pulling your knees out. For the jerk, making sure that the bar is staying in contact with your body, your hips are going back for the dip-drive, and you COMMIT to the fall under the weight. Also, as the weight is over head - your shoulder are active and your arms are locked out. The lift is not complete until you recover with the weight over head and you are standing straight up. Then repeat 29 more times!!!!


  1. CrossFit VVN folks thank you for hosting an outstanding event! We all had a blast and can't wait for our next crossfit throwdown. Good job to all the CFVVN trainers/owners for putting together, hosting, and organizing this event! It was great to reach out and see how big the CrossFit Community is getting in this area.
    DJ CrossFit Solano

  2. DJ, you guys are creating some fire breathers out there for sure! Thanks for coming out and supporting our fund raiser!

    Grace: 2:22 as rx'd. PR!

  3. 5:30 am Heat with Kate before work:

    4:41. Full cleans detroyed me.

    Good Job to all the Compound and CFS members, and any others that came to support the event!

  4. GRACE: 4:11 as rx'd new PR by over minute and a half.

  5. Great Job you guys for a great cause !

  6. Grace:scaled @ 105 5:09
    What a hoot!

  7. Grace: 6:31 rx'd!! (pr)

    What an amazing event and experience! So happy and proud to be a member of The Compound! Thanks to all who cheered me on - I know I could not have finished without your encouragement!

  8. Grace: 5:41 @ 75#s

    Most fun I have ever had at a fundraiser! Thanks everyone!
