Saturday 11.13.10

 Matt W. and Ryan S. at the Fall Strength Challenge.   Is the stare on your face Matt after your brutal fight with the Bench Press?

Metcon: As many rounds possible in 30 Min:*
-10 Burpees
-10 Pulls ups
-10 Double unders
-10 Sit ups
-10 Wall Balls (heaviest possible)
-10 Chin ups
-10 Box Jumps (28”/ 24”)
-10 Handstand Push Ups
-10 Squats
-800m Sprint

*Or CrossFit Total make up

Not much to say about this WOD but…..Get after it!


  1. 3 rounds + 10 Burpees. (1 modification using 1 abmat for hspu, since my shoulder sore from shoulder press yesterday)

    Interesting WOD, I started out pacing myself and finished 1st round in about 11:00. Then decided to attempt to get 3 full rounds and it changed the pace of the entire workout.

  2. 2 rounds + 10 chinups; Mods: green/blue band pull-ups/chin-ups, mod HSPUs, 14# wall ball to 9 ft

  3. Hey I did my first double under thanks to some special tips from some fellow crossfitters! Yeahoo!
    2 rounds +10 double unders
    double under shadowing, handstand pushups-1abmat
    14 kb wall balls to 10 ft target, 24 in box jumps

  4. "Big Boy" day yesterday..nice work Matt,Bob and Alan!!

  5. Thanks Doug...even though I failed to meet my last deadlift PR

  6. Metcon: As many rounds possible in 30 Min:*
    -10 Burpees
    -10 Pulls ups (1st rd blue band then green band
    -10 Double unders (got about half!)
    -10 Sit ups (last rd GHD)
    -10 Wall Balls (14#s to 9 ft)
    -10 Chin ups (green band)
    -10 Box Jumps (20")
    -10 Handstand Push Ups (1 mat wall climb)
    -10 Squats
    -800m Sprint
    2 rounds + 10 chin ups

  7. 2 rounds + 5 hand stand push ups (GHD sit ups two rounds, jumping chin ups, hspu's w/ 1 abmat)

    struggled with today's workout, still feeling a little sick

  8. 2 rounds @rx'ed was a good kick in the cardio.
