Saturday 1.08.11

I thought this was a great picture depicting the proper range of motion for the Push Up.
Metcon: “Murph”
-1 Mile run
-100 Pull Ups
-200 Push Ups
-300 Squats
-1 Mile Run

Partition the pull ups, push ups, squats as needed. If you got a 20# vest, backpack, etc, wear it.  Remember there is no prize for first place today, so if you feel your hands beginning to tear, do something to stop that; jumping pullups, rope or ring pull ups, etc.  You are still getting one heck of a workout even with those variations. 

If you are feeling run down from the week's workout, but still want to workout, come to the gym.  Do your 5k run there or team up with a partner and split Murph in half and help eachother out!  Don't opt out of the workout because on the magnitude of the workout.

Compare to  5.31.10.

Post times to comments. cc


  1. For those of us doing the 5k today..i will be at Compound to start warm up and do 5k at 930a. We will do recovery WOD afterward.

  2. 5k: 31:24

    Okay so I have no real excuse for not coming to the Compound to run today other than the fact that I completely wussed out because it is so cold! I did this on my dreadmill at home.

  3. CFE Wod #2 at the track
    Round 1: 4:27
    Round 2: 4:32
    Round 3: 4:39
    Round 4: 4:35

    I took an extra day of rest (Fri) for my shin splints from Tuesdays sprints, so I will do CFE #3 tomorrow with Chanda. If anyone else is interested let us know.

    Danyel-the cold sucked BTW!

  4. CFE 5K: 23:45 This was a calculation from box clock to Erica's watch and Johnny's watch, off to get my own watch. Not a pr so have to beleive its close.
    CFE Recovery wod after...Yikes...Recovery Really?

  5. CFE Rowing WOD:

    Cover max distance in 20:00. I did 5220m.

    For the running group, make sure you guys are doing the recovery WOD with low intensity. It's not for time, rest as needed, just get the blood flow going to all the muscles and work everything through a full range of motion. Also, you all should be doing the Mobility WOD each day as well. Good luck in week #2!

  6. Actually Brad it's all good, Erica told us to put the brakes on with lighter weight's and no race against the clock. Felt loose and strong after.

  7. Metcon: Half Murph
    800 m run
    50 pull ups (green band)
    100 push ups (20" box)
    150 squats
    800 m run

  8. Oops...time was 28:15; glad I did half Murph...I am pretty beat up from this week.

  9. CFE WOD #3-5k at the Compound
    29:59 Thanks to Kim for stickin by my side eventhough i know she could've run ahead. It was cold but the group was awesome. Way to go Doug,Melissa,Robin,John.M and Kim! I actually enjoyed the recovery WOD once we were on the second round =). Week 1 down and only 9 to go!!!! woo hoooo

  10. Wimped out on Murph

    CFE - 5K 33:50
    took several walk breaks, brrr

  11. CFE recovery wod.
    10- kb swings, back extentions, gdh situps, bench press, double unders and 1 hspushup 6 rounds, not for time.
