Tuesday 1.04.11

In the rack position of the clean or power clean the bar should sit on top of your shoulders, behind your clavicles, against your throat. The elbows are high, catching the weight with low elbows stresses your wrists & elbows. Put your elbows high, it builds a firmer base for the bar to sit on. The higher the better.

SWOD: Power Cleans + Front Squat.  Work up to a heavy single.  Put it together as a full clean or use this time to work the techniques separate.  This is skill work for the metcon.

Metcon: “ Elizabeth ”
-Clean (135/ 95#)
-Ring Dips

Compare to 6.16.10.

Post weights and times to comments.  cc


  1. SWOD: 115 for clean, 125 for PC + front squat

    Metcon: 18:51 @ 85lb and ring dips with box.

  2. W/U 3 rounds:
    -10 GHD Sit Ups
    -10 Hip Ext.
    -10 Squats
    2 x 20 m of ball hops, carioca, lunge pulls

    8 x 200 m Sprints
    Best- 41.37 (rd.2)
    Worst- 47.03 (rd.7)

    Hey Kelly, I figured out the lunges!

  3. CFE: 8-200 meter sprints/90 sec rest between
    Fastest 57.82; Slowest 1:03

    Craig--Can you show me the lunges tomorrow? thanks.

  4. I got the workout wrong!!!!

    METCON Only:
    6 400 meter sprints (Laps) with 25 air squats each lap. 18:59

  5. SWOD: 105# pc
    Metcon: 16:13 @95#, red band ring dips

  6. CFE WOD on the rower:
    - 500m Warm Up
    - 20 rounds of :10 all out effort, :5 rest (I covered 1359m in that time)
    - 500m cool down

  7. SWOD: 135#

    Metcon: 16:10@115#

    METCON 17:24 RXD

  9. SWOD: 215# for a heavy rep...I need ALOT of work on "cleans". My form is very inconsistent.

    METCON: RX'D @ 15:33

  10. Hey All,
    The Sac-Town Throwdown team challenge is scheduled for Saturday February 12. Last year’s event was amazing, but this years is going to be epic. I don’t want to mention any specifics at this point, but there are some truly great sponsorships in the works and we are going to have some really amazing resources. This event should be highly interesting for athletes and spectators alike. Lets just say you might be asked to do some things you haven’t done before.

    There will be scaled and Rx divisions, and teams will consist of 2 men and 2 women. I plan to have the registration site active by noon this Friday. Start getting your team together and be ready to sign up before the event sells out, spectators included! We will also be needing about 30 volunteers, so if you want to come and help run the show we would love to have you.

    Check out www.sactownthrowdown.com for updates and info.

  11. After recovering from Elizabeth

    CFE WOD # 1
    8 x 200m

  12. SWOD: worked up to 95#
    Metcon: 19:00 @ 95#, ring dips w/ toes on box

  13. CFE WOD #1:
    Warm Up 5min easy pace
    3x50m lunges, then 2x50 shuffle front foot pull pose thingy!!!!
    8x100m "dashes"
    6x200m( pulled groin and foot killin me so did the smart thing and stopped at 6x) best :47,worst :57..awesome running partner Kim,thanks for hanging with my slowness

  14. Erica..hey if you are slow, what am I.....gee thanks! LOL

  15. CFE: 200x8, down vaca valley
    Not bad, but I do need to get back into running.
    Sorry, didn't time myself... next time.

  16. Swod: 85lbs
    Metcon: 18:51 75lbs, skinny band ring dips. Lost form towards end of each set.
    I didn't do the CFE wod, played soccer instead.

  17. SWOD 215 clean
    Metcon: 8:20 as rxed

  18. CFE workout: 8 x200 meter sprints

  19. SWOD: 105 Clean
    Metcon: 16:13 @95#, assisted red band dips

  20. SWOD: 105 Clean
    Metcon: 16:13 @95#, assisted red band dips

  21. CFE: ran 200m x8
    Fastest 47 slowest 51 sec

  22. hey, how many repetition should be done to the Swod
