Monday 2.21.11

It's Monday Time to GET AFTER IT!

Warm Up: 10min
- 10 Deadlifts (light weight)
- 10 Clean Pulls (light weight)
- 10 Push Jerk (light weight)

SWOD: Clean & Jerk 3-3-3-3-3

Metcon: AMRAP 10min
- 5 Handstand Push Ups
- 10 Floor Wipers (135/95)
- 5 Overhead Squats

Use this warm up to you advantage. Use light weight and execute each technique with precise form. Make sure you you have a tight core, you're back on your heels, and you are pulling your knees out. For the clean pull, you want to make sure that up are shrugging, pushing your hips forward and getting up on your toes. Making sure that your hips are coming forward of your shoulders. If they are not then you are not going to get the most power you can from your body.
For the metcon, the handstand push ups you will have to do a wall climb to get into position facing the wall. Once in position, make sure that your elbows are pointed toward the wall; not out toward the side. Also, you want to keep a hollow body position - trying to keep your hips above your shoulders as you're looking at the ground.


  1. SWOD- 75lb 3-3-3-3-3

    METCON- 10:00
    5 hspu
    10 floor wipers @ 55lbs
    10 overhead squats @ 55lbs=

    3 + 10 floor wipers

  2. SWOD: 185-195-205-215-225 x 3
    Metcon: 3 rounds Rx'd

  3. SWOD: 45x3,55x3,65x3,70x3,70x3
    Metcon: 3rds + 4 floor wipers @ 55lbs

  4. 135,155,185,205 x3 split jerk only.

    Metcon 3 rounds +10 floorwipers 115 ohs, 135 wipers

    Fun workout

  5. Met 95x3,105x3,115x3,125x3,125x3
    Swod 3Rds (95# and 75#) stil have BS issues to resolve

  6. Strength WOD:
    - Back Squat: 330x1, 297x3, 264x5
    - Barbell Row: 285x1, 235x 5,5,5
    - Bench Press: 295x4, 266x6, 236x8

  7. Nice job 930a crew!Great turn out. It's been awhile since I've had the honor of coaching the 930 class. You guys and gals are awesome. I miss yelling at..i mean seeing all of you. Way to conquer the "new" way of doing hand stand push ups.

  8. w/u..on the board
    swod: 95x3 105x3 115x3 125x3 140x3
    metcon: started with 115 Ditched that idea..
    2 rnds +5 hspu's @ 95...humbling metcon

  9. SWOD: 185x3,205x3,225x3 new PR.
    METCON: 3 rounds + 4 floor wipers RX'ed

  10. SWOD: max #55 x 6
    Metcon: 2 rnds (modified hand stand push-ups), 35#

  11. SWOD: 155x3,175x3,185x3,195x3,205x2
    METCON: 3 rounds(@135) + 5 HSPU not RX'd because I used 2 abmats and my form was garbage

  12. SWOD: worked up to 3 x 105lb

    Metcon: 2 rds + 4 floor wipers. Started at 95 lbs but had too much trouble getting into the overhead squat position. Did 85 lbs.

  13. SWOD: 135x3, 155x3, 165x3, 175x3, 185x3 (PR)

    Metcon: 3 Rounds + 4 HSPU

    HSPU - 1st round, rx'd, 2nd round, first 3 rx'd, then two abmats

    Floor Wipers - 135

    OHS - 95#

    Thanks for completely exposing my overhead strength deficiency.
