Tuesday 2.22.11

Nice Set up!

Warm Up: 10min

- Coach’s Choice

SWOD: Max Wall Ball Vertical Throw (20/14 - 3 attempts)

Metcon: 5 Rounds
- 3 Deadlifts @ 75% of 1rm
- 50 Meter Sprint (25 up and Back)
- 10 Wall Balls (20/14)

For the SWOD, you will have 3 attempts to throw the wall ball as high as you can. Use your legs to do the majority of the work and once you are out of the hole push the ball with your arms & shoulders to complete the throw. Good Luck!


  1. SWOD: 1 arm throws w/ 20# to bottom of "H" (left shoulder sore)

    Metcon: 6:24 @ 405#

  2. SWOD- 14lb ball to middle of H

    Metcon- 6:52, 175lb DL

  3. I couldn't POST last week as I was away from a computer. I got four days of good exercise in to include a 5K run done is 28 minutes (My fastest time to date).

    Today was sprints. 8 440's with 3 minutes rest between. I didn't time my sprint by tried to run hard and effienct each time.

  4. CFE#4
    6x400m 1:27/1:34
    SWOD Did It
    Metcon 6:33 (205#DL,20#WB)

  5. SWOD: touched (barely) the wall above the black wall ball board
    Metcon: 6:33 w/ 135# deadlifts

    Went light on the deadlifts because it was my first day back after a ten day rest thanks to the flu and a sore back.

  6. Swod:soccer
    Metcon 8:08 rx'd (#175/#14)

  7. Swod: Top 2nd star
    Metcon: 9:22 175# 20#

  8. SWOD: 20# to the " H "
    METCON: 405#DL @ 8:18

  9. CFE WOD #1 on rower
    Total time w/ sprints and recovery 14:40
    total meters rowed= 3,032
    (average sprint pull= 1:54)

    After coaching 3 classes, that seriously kicked my butt!!! i feel good that i did it though=)

  10. Dammit i missed 2 minutes on rower..see what happens when i go from memory..i my memory is no bueno..oh well.

  11. 85lbs sumo dead lifts 20lbs ball lower stickers
    time was 7:49

  12. SWOD: Bench Press 135x5, 155x5 185x5
    METCON: 5 Rounds: 155 Dead Lift 10 pull-ups 25 sit-ups T;20min

    My cuz Kyle has me doing these strength and conditioning workouts. I love them, they work every aspect of your mental fortitude.
