Tuesday 3.01.11

 Shuttle runs test your ability to accelerate, decelerate, change direction, and accelerate again.

Warm Up:  Coach's Choice (10:00)

SWOD:  Shoulder Presses:  5rm, 90% of 5rm for max reps, 80% of 5rm for max reps.

Your 90% and 80% sets should allow you to get at least two more reps than your 5rm.  Try for that but if you can get more, get more!

Metcon:  Sprint three 300 yard shuttles.  Rest 5 minutes between efforts.

300 yard shuttle runs are completed with (6) six 50 yard sprints. The objective is the change of direction; the ability to accelerate, decelerate into the turn, plant at the line and explode into a sprint again.  Record the time for each round.

Post weights and times to the comments section!  bc


  1. SWOD: 60 x 5; 55x 7; 50 x 7
    WOD: 14:52 sprints

  2. SWOD: 140x5, 125x5 oops, 115x12
    Metcon: 1:04, 1:00, 58 = 13:02

  3. SWOD: 65X5, 60X9, 55X10
    Metcon: 1:06, 1:08, 1:08

  4. SWOD:65 x5,60 x7, 55 x8
    Sprints 1:14,1:15,1:10 =13:29

  5. About a month ago we started doing PRT drill prior to our WOD as our warm-up exercises:
    PRT Drills:
    20 windmills
    20 forward lunges
    20 prone rows
    20 high jumpers
    20 bend and reachs
    20 rower situps
    20 squat benders
    20 rear lunges
    20 pushups
    WOD today was 10 100 meter sprints up a very steep hill using the walk down as your rest. Fastest/Slowest time was 42/58 seconds.

    Floowed by 5 cool down stretching exercises. Good day overall.

  6. SWOD: 205x3,200x2.5,screwed both those up so i went 190x4...for some reason i couldnt get 5.
    finished with 175x5 , 155x7


  7. SWOD: 65# x4.5 (failed on last rep but used 65# for calc); 60# x5; 50# x8
    Metcon: 14:59 estimated b/c the watch didn't work on first round

    Getting very sore...

  8. SWOD 105x5,95x8,85x8
    Metcon 1:00,1:01,:57

  9. swod: weighted pull ups, 60lb 3reps 50lb 4reps 35lb 5reps 25lb 8reps
    metC: sots press 10ea Arm, 60undersjumprope, 25situps 5 rounds 22min

  10. SWOD: Weighted chinups @ 50#, 3x5

    Metcon: 300yd shuttle sprints (12x25 instead of 50x6): 1:20, 1:25, 1:25

  11. Swod: 65# x5, 60# x 7, 55# x 7

    Wod: 1:07, 1:20, 1:28
