Wednesday 3.02.11

In the snatch grip deadlift, your set up should be the same as a snatch:  lower hips than a traditional deadlift set up, chest up, wide grip.  The yelling is optional.

Warm Up:  The Compound Warm Up

SWOD:  Snatch Grip Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3

After several good warm up sets, start off with a challenging set of 3 reps.  Then add weight over the next 4 sets.

Metcon:  AMRAP in 12:00 of:
- 10 Steps of Deadlifts Walks (65% of 1RM Deadlift)
- 10 Lateral Hops over the Barbell
- 10 Sit Ups

For the deadlift walks, deadlift the bar any way you want to and then walk ten total steps with the bar held at the waist and close to the body.  Keep your mid line engaged and stable the whole time!  After 10 steps drop the barbell and do 10 total lateral hops over the bar.  Try to keep your feet together and when you land immediately jump into the next hop.  Work on accuracy here, and practice doing these in one hop only.  This will translate to double unders for those of you still struggling with those.  The sit ups are Abmat sit ups but can be scaled up to GHD sit ups.
Post weights and rounds completed to the comments section!  bc


  1. SWOD

    13 rds + 10 steps-130lbs

  2. CFE WOD#1

    Bench Presses
    Leg Presses
    (OK I admit I went to Golds I needed a treadmill)

  3. SWOD: 75-70-65-60-55
    Metcon: 12rds+3 sit-ups @ 55lbs

  4. SWOD: 3x155#
    WOD: 16 rounds @135#

  5. Metcon: CFE WOD #1
    Tabata sprints-on rower 801 meters

    SWOD: Snatch grip deadlifts 3x145#

  6. SWOD: 305x3
    METCON: 8 rounds+ 10 DL + 10 lateral hops @ 335#

  7. Knee Rehab Strength WOD:
    - Power Snatch: 210x fail, 168x 3,3,3
    - Shoulder Press: 200x2, 180x4, 160x6
    - Weighted Pull Ups: +70x2, +35x4, Unweighted x6 CTB.

  8. swod: 205 5x3
    metcon: 15 rnd's +1 carry @195
    Welcome to the Napa guy's that dropped in.

  9. SWOD: 115, 135, 145, 155 x2, 145x3
    Metcon: 10 rounds + 4 sit-ups, 140#s & 5 rds w/GHD situps

    Fun workout!

  10. SWOD: 105, 115, 125, 135, 145 all x3
    Metcon: 14 rounds

    That was a blast!!!

  11. SWOD: worked up to 75# weighted lunges

    WOD: 10 over head lunges 35#
    10 double unders
    10 situps
    6 rounds + 5 lunges

  12. Back squat 185 3x5

    metc: bboxjumps 55 standing shoulder press 5 rounds
