Friday 5.27.11

Here you see actual Secret Service Agents meeting to discuss their strategy for the Secret Service Snatch Test. At least I like to think that's what's going on.
- Deadlift 1RM for the day, then 80-85% x5 (set a new 5rm if possible)
Secret Service Snatch Test
- AMRAP in 10:00 of KB Snatch (53/35)

We did this WOD on 9.20.10, about 8 months ago.  If you did it then, try and use a heavier KB than last time.  If you already did it as rx'd, do more reps this time!

The metcon is called the Secret Service Snatch Test, because it is rumored that the elite agents of the Secret Service do this as a test of both physical fitness and mental fortitude. The object is simple: do as many reps as you can in 10:00. ANy snatch version is acceptable, full squat snatches or power snatches.  It doesn't matter if you do them all on the same side, switch hands every 10 reps, or even every rep if you want. This is a link to the top recorded scores for this test. How do you measure up?

Post deadlift weights and metcon results to the comments section!  bc


  1. SWOD = 375 (down 5lbs)
    MetCon = 62 as rx'd

    Have a great Memorial Day weekend everybody!

  2. Did an awesome wod @ Crossfit Louisville East,it was designed for one of the regulars on her 43 birthday.
    .43 mile, 43 hand release PU's, 43 24" box jumps, 43 situps, 43 OHS@95#'S, 43 burpees, .43 mile sprint. 28:33 RX'D !! The OHS were a challenge but in the good name of the Compound ...bang!!!

  3. SWOD: 225x1(PR), 175x5
    Metcon: 61 @ 18lbs

    Ummm..last time I did this metcon I did 135 so I can conclude I must not have done it the same, but either way I got a good workout!

  4. SWOD: 350x1
    Metcon 150 @ 53

  5. SWOD: 135x1
    Metcon 85 @ 18lbs

    Had a great workout for our first time. Coming again tomorrow!

  6. SWOD: 225x1
    Metcon: 60 @ 44lbs

  7. WOD: 50 meter sprints x8

  8. SWOD 275x1 225x5
    Metcon: 65ish@44#/35#

  9. swod: 175 x 1; 140 x 5
    WOD: 66 at 18# with full squat

    Awesome workout! Can't wait till I can get was tough....

  10. SWOD: 235x1, 200x5
    WOD: :( had to go back to work!

  11. Only did metcon

    124 w/ 53# kb... I did it like the guy who holds the record...that swing snatch thing

  12. Swod: 225x1 (sumo), 175x5 (regular)
    Metcon: 130 w/26#
