Monday 11.21.11

The Vallejo Police Officer’s Association has created a memorial fund on behalf of Officer James Capoot’s surviving wife and three daughters. These funds will be used to establish a trust fund in the family’s name and an account has been opened with Bank of the West’s Vallejo branch.
Donations to Officer Capoot’s memorial fund can be made as follows:

Officer James Capoot Family Trust
C/O Vallejo Police Officer’s Association
(Sergeant Mark Nicol)
P.O. Box 4218
Vallejo, Ca. 94590
(707) 644-3913
 CrossFit Solano has a bunch more info on him on their site and is currently organizing a Tribute WOD for him, so check there from more information to follow soon.
SWOD:  Back Squats: 65% x5, 75% x5, 85% x max reps

Metcon:  For time:
- 250m Row
- 20 Thrusters @ Fran weight (95#) or higher
- 250m Row
- 15 Thrusters
- 250m Row
- 10 Thrusters
- 250m Row
- 5 Thrusters

It says complete the workout for time, and the clock will be running, but challenge yourself on this.  Take a few extra seconds of rest and really try to sprint the Rows.  And/ or increase the weight each set as the reps descend.  Or give yourself a goal to stay on the set of Thrusters the entire time with out putting the bar down in each set.  These are all factors that changes the intensity of the workout and is sometimes much more difficult then simply trying for the fastest overall time.

Post weights and metcon results to comments.


  1. WOD:165,175,185X5
    SWOD Rx'D 16:24

  2. SWOD: 70,85,95x5

  3. SWOD: 115x5, 135x5, 155x15
    Metcon: 17:?? @ 75lb thrusters

  4. SWOD: 65, 75, 85 x 5
    Metcon: 23:37 @ 45#

  5. SWOD: up to 135#..back very tight today didnt want push too hard

    Metcon: 13:04 @ 65lbs

    Thank you mom for babysitting so I could do this!!!

  6. SWOD: 125 x5, 145 x5, 160 x3

    Metcon: 12:20

  7. Swod: 115x5,130x5,150x2
    Metcon: 15:39 @65#

  8. SWOD: 185X5, 215X5, 225X7
    METCON: 11:54 RXd

  9. SWOD: 205x5, 237x5, 268x5 (3 unassisted, 2 assisted)

    Metcon: 11:25 @ 115#

  10. swod: 165x5 185x5 215x3( form and concentration on last set were lacking)
    metcon: 12:45 rx @95

  11. SWOD: 105 x5, 115x5,125x5

    WOD: 14:45 rx'd @65#

    workout kicked my butt after being sick for 2 weeks

  12. Jules & Jenise & Stacey
    SWOD: 40, 45, 50, 65 max
    WOD: 17:08 @ 55lbs

  13. (135, 225, 275, 295) X 5 285 X 8/ 10:41

  14. SWOD: 165# 185# 195#
    Metcon: 18:15 95#

  15. Metcon = 10:23 @ 95lbs

    SWOD = warmups at 95 and 135 x 8 each, dont remember the rest..0530 is early and cold!

  16. SWOD: 100x5, 110x5, 120x3
    Metcon: 12:08 @ 65#
