Thursday 1.12.12

Geoff making the B.A.T. look easy

Strength:  Push Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Conditioning: Complete:
- Tabata Squats
followed by:
- 4:00 of max reps of Muscle ups (or substitution) or Chest to Bar Pull Ups

Score is the least number of Squats in any given round + number of Muscle Ups

Post weights and reps to comments.


  1. SWOD: 135, 145, 155, 165, 175, 185, 195, 205, 215, 225, 235

    METCON: 18 squat/11 muscle up

  2. 85 lb push jerk
    13 squats, 7 pull ups with black band and 6 with red band
