Thursday 2.16.12

Some of the people that read The Compound's blog don't see our Facebook page ("Like" us already!).  I wanted to post Andre's video here too not just to support him, but also to show the effectiveness of gymnastics training for strength and improved mobility.  When we talk gymnastics, we mean any body weight movement.  So things as simple as push ups and squats can improve our gymnastics abilities and can later become dips and muscle ups or one-legged squats, etc.

Strength: Shoulder Press 3-3-3-3-3

Conditioning: CrossFit Games Open 11.4.  Compare to 4.15.11
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10:00 of:
- 60 Bar-facing Burpees
- 30 Overhead squat (120/ 90#)
- 10 Muscle-ups

Post weights and rounds to comments.


  1. Swod: 45, 55, 65, 70, 73x3 SP
    Conditioning: 66

  2. w/u: kb hula hoop, halo's. 3 swing progression to a snatch, then into 5 x35# kb snatch each arm. Ring pullups and muscle up attempts.
    Oly class; cleans 5x3 at 115# / clean pulls 4x5 at 145#/ behind the neck up to a heavy 2. 145x2..160x1(pr)

  3. SWOD: shoulder press up to 85x3
    Conditioning: Wednesday's WOD
    Oly class: power cleans 5x3 @85#/ clean pulls 4x5 @95#/ behind the neck jerks .... 85#x2
