Tuesday 4.24.12

CompoundLite working hard on their pull ups!

Strength: Pull Ups- 5x5 weighted, or 25 reps total of the hardest variation possible

Conditioning: 10 x 100 yard Sprints.

Rest time is the time to walk back to the start.  Score is total time from start of 1st sprint to end of the last sprint. Sprints are not timed individually, but each one should be for max effort.  So if you take a little longer breaks you will not be penalized!

Post weights and times to comments.


  1. SWOD: "weighted pull-ups"- 25 strict pull-ups in sets of 2 and 3

    Metcon: 7 running sprints, 3 rowing sprints

  2. SWOD: 5x5@ 25lbs
    Metcon: 11:07

  3. SWOD: 25 strict pullups (sets of 3 ans 2)
    Metcon: 11:30

  4. SWOD: 2xblack band, 18xred band, 5xorange band
    Metcon: wasn't timed

  5. SWOD: 25 strict pullups, 3rounds all 5, 2 rounds split
    Metcon #1 : sprints - weren't timed, but definitely all out - Sore from head to toe today!
    Metcon #2 : 6 min. AMRAP 10box jumps, 10 kb swings - 3 rounds w/62#

    Wednesday is a rest day for me!

  6. Swod: 1 strict pull up (so sad) 5x5 with small red band
    Metcon: 10 x 100 yard sprints (not timed and not all out effort...)
