Friday 5.25.12

Push Ups on knees, boxes, against the wall.  Now Holly is demonstrating a great way to scale a proper full Push Up and practice getting the elbows back instead of out.

Strength:  Stone Shoulders.  How heavy a stone can you pick up?

Conditioning: For Quality, NOT FOR TIME:21-15-9
-Atlas Stone to Shoulder (heaviest possible)
-Chest to Bar Pullups

This is not for time for two reasons.  1) we want you to make sure you keep proper form throughout the movement.  2) People may have to share stones, or try different weights throughout the workout due to the smaller number of lighter weights.  But don't fret, you will get a great workout regardless!

Post weights to comments.


  1. SWOD: worked on shoulder press: 97x1 (PR!)
    Metcon: did full snatches at 75lbs instead of stones. Did chest to bar pullups with some pullup grip, some chin up grip, and some mixed grip.

  2. SWOD = worked up to the 173lb stone

    METCON = 34:15 with 113lb stone

  3. Swod: worked on technique with 42lb stone
    Metcon: 21:10 with 42lb stone

  4. Swod: worked up to the 178lb stone
    Metcon: 23:00

  5. SWOD: 173# stonex2
    metcon: 21@43#, 15@116#, 9@163# 17:51
