Friday 6.01.12

The Goal Board from May.  Did you complete yours?
The Goal Board has been changed to the PR Board for the month of June.  While we still encourage people to make goals for themselves, the PR Board is there for everyone (not just the Top 5 like the other whiteboards) to note their accomplishments throughout the month.  It can be anything, a running PR, and weight PR, a PR for doing full pull ups in an entire workout, etc.  If its something you've achieved, write it down on the PR Board so others can see it.  There are goals and improvements being made everyday at The Compound and we want everyone to see that.
Strength: Deadlifts 2-2-2-2-2-2

Conditioning: 5 rounds for time:
- 21 Double Unders
- 15 Sit Ups
- 9 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (95/65#)

Post weights and times to comments.


  1. Bodyweight 187 as of this morning. Check.

  2. SWOD: 260x2
    Metcon: 6:01 rx. thanks for makin me work, TK!

  3. SWOD: worked up to 330# on set 4 until my back tweaked.
    METCON: 5:46 rxd

  4. SWOD: 185
    Metcon: 10:33 with Singles

  5. Swod: 195x2
    Metcon: 11:44 with single unders

  6. swod: 165-285
    metcon: 6:30 ish...2 seconds slower than Steff
    DU's /amsu/sdlhp @ 80#'s

  7. Swod: 216x5
    Metcon: 6:26 rx

  8. SWOD: 100-110-120-130-140-150
    Metcon: 9:21@55# subbed 4 SU for 1DU
