Thursday 6.20.13

Put more weight on your shoulders during Bear Crawls and you are working towards building strength for your handstand push ups!
Skill: Hand Stand Push Ups 3x max reps

WOD: As many rounds and reps as possible in 20:00:
- 400m Run
- max. Sit Ups

A set terminates when you're no longer able to continue moving.  There is no rest in the up or down position.

A few of the ladies of the 5 am class on Tuesday decided to talk some smack about how if the workout had Sit Ups instead of Push Ups, then they would have beat the here you go!

Post reps to comments.


  1. HSPU: 11-8-9 (previous max was 7)

    Metcon: 209 see the light weight sit-ups with 15lb plate

  2. HSPU practice

    Metcon: 3 rounds + 4oom run @265 sit ups

  3. HSPU - 6,5,5 - strict
    WOD: 230 reps - 61, 60, 51, 58
