Friday 8.02.13

I've enjoy Charlotte's videos.  The hardest thing to do in CrossFit is explain to other people what CrossFit is!  These videos help because now we can show others what we do.  But that still doesn't beat simply inviting someone in to try it.  Then they really find out what it is we do.

Strength:  Power Clean
Work up to 1RM for day, then 3x3 @ 85%

WOD:  "Mini DT"
3 Rounds of 9-6-3 of:
- Deadlift
- Hang Power Cleans
- Push Jerk

* Use 95/ 65# for bar weight.
* Rest 1 min after each circuit. Repeat the circuit, rest 1 min.  Repeat again.
* 3 Burpee penalty post wod for each time the bar is dropped


  1. Power Clean: 185 1RMFD
    WOD: Ran out of time to do as prescribed with the minute breaks so just did all 3 Rounds without the minute rest. Time 1:30 never put the bar down.

  2. Swod: 135x1, 115x3x3
    Metcon: 6:40 rx
