Monday 1.20.14

Remember to download the App and sign in for classes!

Strength: Weighted Chin Ups 5-5-5-5

WOD: “Running Annie”
Reps of 50-40-30-20-10:
- Double Unders
- Sit Ups
*200m Run after each set

Post weights and times to comments.


Only the top 5% of CrossFitters even have a chance to go to Regionals.  So why do the Open?  In that case, why play pick up basketball, softball, indoor soccer, or anything else for that matter?

Article:  The Party We All Get to Crash


  1. Did all singles - got to within 7 ab mat situps of finishing when we hit the time mark. Thanks Josh for doing it and beating me even though you already did it earlier...jerk!
