Tuesday 5.20.14

Strength:  Back Squat 5x3.  Perform 3 Box Jumps immediately after each set.

WOD:  35:00 Rounds:
- 400m Run at the start of each round
- Max. rounds of "Cindy" for remainder of the round

* 1 round of "Cindy" =
- 5 Pull Ups
- 10 Push Ups
- 15 Squats

Post weights and rounds of Cindy to comments.


  1. running kicked my fanny this morning. just proves how much i substitute rowing for running.
    Back squat 135 for 5x3
    metcon; 5 rds + 25 of cindy
    Good one =)

  2. Brad: 10 rounds + 5 pull ups and 10 push ups (I did 4 rounds instead of three).
