Monday 8.23.10

This video shows a double broad jump, which is a plyometric exercise. You will have to explode on the initial jump, land, and then explode immediately into the next jump. The ability to jump is one of the best indicators of athletic performance capabilities. This week we will explore a few types of jump tests to measure where we're at!

5 Consecutive Broad Jumps for max distance. Repeat three times with 2-3 minutes of rest between attempts. Compare to 7.31.10.

"Kelly". Compare to 3.27.10.
5 Rounds for time or AMRAP in 30:00 of:
- 400m Run
- 30 Box Jumps (24/20)
- 30 Wall Ball shots (20/10# to a 10' target)

WOD Tips:
The video above shows a double broad jump. We will take this a step further and do 5 consecutive jumps trying to go as far as possible. Your score will be the farthest distance you jump of you three attempts.

For the metcon, we will be doing several CrossFit triplets this week, starting with "Kelly". Pick a challenging but doable box height and wall ball and get going! There is a 30:00 cap on this workout, so try and finish before that, or get as much done as you can in the 30:00. Depending on class sizes, you may have to change the order of exercises, but we'll work with what we got! No matter how you do it, you're gonna know you worked out!

Post jump distances and times to the comments section! bc


  1. SWOD: 24 Ft.


    500 M Row
    30 Box Step-ups
    30 - 14# Wallballs 10Ft.

    4 Round + 500 M. Row + 30 Box Step-ups

  2. SWOD: 3x5 consecutive broad jump max 30' 4"
    WOD: "Kelly" 30:10

    First time ever at the 5:30am class - great group!

  3. SWOD: 3x5 consecutive broad jump max 28' 10"

    Metcon: Kelly in 30:00

    3 Rounds + 400m Run using 20#ball and 15"box

  4. SWOD:Vertical Jumps 3x10
    Highest Jump-9'5"

    DWOD: 15 minutes:
    10 Supine Ring Pull Ups
    10 True Push Ups
    9 rounds 5 reps at 24" box
    pushups on rings

    Last CFFB workout before weekend Cert

  5. SWOD:Vertical Jumps 3x10
    Highest Jump-9'3.5"

    DWOD: 15 minutes:
    10 Supine Ring Pull Ups
    10 True Push Ups
    8 rounds 15 reps at 24" box
    pushups on rings

  6. SWOD: broad jumps 36'-8"
    METCON: Kelly 30 min. time cap 4rounds + 30boxjumps + 4 wallballs

  7. Last CFFB WOD before the cert...

    Vertical Jump 3x10. Best jump was 9'10". Forgot to measure my max reach so I could see what the actual jump was.

    Same as Crag and Bill. I did 10 rounds + 7 ring pull ups. Ouch.

  8. Broad Jumps 30ft 4in
    4 th round ran and did 13 box jumps!!!

  9. 3 rnds + 30 bj, 400m run, 25 wb.

  10. Broad Jumps....32'1" max. Takes coordination which I have seem to lost over the years.

    Completed 3 rounds.

  11. BJs' 33'9"
    Vert. 8'2.5"

    Metcon 4 RDs + 400m

  12. Broad Jumps 33-0
    2 Rnds + 12 Wall Ball

  13. good to be back after a week off.
    jump - 41' 2"
    metcon - 3 rounds plus the run and 29 box jumps. Used the 20 lb ball and 29" plyo box

  14. I wrote it wrong on the white board. Sorry it's hard to do the math when I'm trying not to puke.

    Broad Jumps: 33'7"
    WOD : Kelly 400m run, 30 box jumps 20"box, 30 wall ball 14#
    3 rounds+ 30 Box jumps+ 20 wall balls

    Thanks for pushing me Kyle!

  15. SWOD: 43'2"

    Metcon: 27:50, rx'd.

    Appreciate the push Kyle.

  16. SWOD: 40'5"

    Metcon: 4 rounds, + 30 wallball + 4 boxjumps rx'd.

  17. SWOD: 30'2''
    Metcon: 3 rounds. 14lb wall ball.

  18. BJ: 39'7''
    Metcon: 3 Rounds of Kelly + 400m

    thanks for the Recon shuffle followed by sprinting Kyle. Oh and for making me throw up twice. I've never felt better. On a lighter note new PR today one arm hand stand, and I got up on the parrellets.

  19. SWOD: 27'4"
    Metcon: 3 rds + 27 box jumps
    14# wall ball, 20" box

  20. SWOD: 32"
    Metcon: "Kelly" 30 min cap
    4 rounds + 17 wall balls
    20" box jumps, 10# wall ball to 10 ft target

    Even though I scaled down (cheated) this workout kicked kicked my butt!

  21. SWOD: 3x5 Broad Jumps: 30' 4"

    MetCon: "Kelly" 30 min max
    2 rounds + 400 m run + 30 Box Jumps + 5 Wall Balls
