Tuesday 3.08.11

A lonely 5 AM class.
Warm Up: Coach’s Choice

SWOD: Jerk 1-1-1-1-1

Metcon: 10:00:
-5 Overhead locked out anyway (185/ 115)
-7 Ring Rows
-9 Back Extensions

To perform  Ring Rows, set the rings so your back is off the ground, place heels on a box and pull your chest to your hands.  Keep your body in a rigid plank position. Don't arch your back in an effort to make your chest reach the rings at top of movement when you start to fatigue. 

Post weight and scores to comments. cc


  1. SWOD-115lb 1rm- jerk

    METCON- 5 rds + 2 back extensions- 75lbs

  2. SWOD: 70# 1rm
    Metcon: 5 rds + 7 ring rows - 55#

  3. SWOD: 95lb split jerk (PR)
    Metcon: 5 rds @ 65lbs

    I guess I will keep coming in the morning since I hit a pr. I approve of the above pic as it does not show my face. My face is very very scarey in the morning....

  4. SWOD: 175X1
    METCON: @135# 6RNDS + 3

  5. swod: 100X1
    metcon: 5 rounds 75#
    modified :}

  6. SWOD 225X1
    METCON 5 RNDS 2 JRKS @155

  7. Swod: 55x1, 65x1, 75x1, 85x1, 95 fail, 90x1, 95x1, 105x1, 110 fail

    Metcon: 5 rds + 7 ring rows
    (80# split jerks, modified ring rows)

    almost 6 rds but I wanted to wait for ghd or roman chair instead of using a tire for back extensions ;)

  8. Knee Rehab Strength WOD:
    - Back Squats: 340x1, 306x3, 272x5
    - Barbell Row: 255x4, 230x6, 204x8
    - Bench Press: 300x4, 270x6, 240x8

  9. SWOD: 245# PR but I need to work on this lift.
    METCON: 8 rounds + 7 ring rows @ 185#

  10. swod: 115,125,135,145# Jerk. did 145 x4 because my form was questionable ..I just refuse to say I suck at anything.
    metcon: 7 rounds @ 120# +4 jerks

  11. SWOD; 125x1
    METCON; 6rounds + 6 Ring rows @75

  12. swod 145x2
    metcon 4 rounds at 115#

  13. SWOD: 65lbs max x3, tried 70 couldn't get under. Next time
    Metcon: 4rds, started with 55lbs then dropped to 50 for last 2rds

  14. SWOD:
    -Shoulder Press, 3x5 @ 90% 1RM (135#)
    6 Rounds @ 155#
    (Subbed pushups for ring rows, good mornings for back extensions)
    *Done at home*

  15. SWOD: 230 split
    Metcon: 5 rounds no cleans @185
