Wednesday 6.01.11

A lot of good Power Cleans and PR's were made yesterday!  Great Job everyone!
SWOD: Hollow Rocks.  Can you hold one for 3:00?  Partner up and see how long it takes you to accumulate 3 min, in good Hollow Rock position.  Any discrepancy in form and time stops.

Metcon: First:
-"1 in/1 out".   Run one minute turn around and run back.

Rest two minutes,
Then For time:

-5 Kettlebell Swings (heaviest)
-5 Box Jumps (24/ 18 “)
-10 Kettlebell Swings
-10 Box Jumps
-15 Kettlebell Swings
-15 Box Jumps
-20 Kettlebell Swings
-20 Box Jumps
-25 Kettlebell Swings
-25 Box Jumps
-30 Kettlebell Swings
-30 Box Jumps

For 1in/1out, bring a stopwatch and sprint out from The Compound for one minute. At the minute mark, make mental note of the location and turn around. Push hard enough that you cannot make it back in one minute (done right you come in "late").

Post times and distances to comments. cc


  1. CFE Day:
    - I was supposed to do 50m sprints in the pool but the rain/hail/thunder deterred me. Instead I did:

    C2 Rower:
    - 500m Warm Up
    - 12x 250m sprints with 1:00 rest
    - 500m Cool Down

  2. SWOD:
    3 min of hollow rocks takes FOREVER
    70#KB/24" box 23:03 including my run and rest time

  3. Swod: I agree with Matt, my hollow rocks sucked and took forever!
    Metcon: 18:14 w/ 44# kb and 20" box

  4. SWOD: Hollow rocks
    Metcon: 14:39 35#kb 20" box

  5. Hollow hold longest time 1 min! 30 sec for the rest of them
    Sprint was almost to the 40 mph sign
    36lbs KB with 20in box in 16:17 I think?

  6. Metcon: 19:17 w/44#kb 20" box. It still scares me!!!

  7. SWOD: 3:00 min Hollow Rock hold. Hurt me, both physically & emotionally.

    Metcon: 25:30 w/ 62# KB & 24" Box.

  8. SWOD: Hollow Rock holds for 3:00min with very sore abs sucked but made them feel better after.

    Metcon: 17:00 w/ 44lb KB up to 20 rep round then down to 35# KB for rest, 20' box

    This one got me nauseous and Greg put the bucket by me just in case! It was close a couple times =(.

  9. 17:36 w/ 62# kb (i think thats the grey one). And step ups instead of box jumps.

  10. Did this at home-modified
    Tripled the amount of box jumps for single unders and used a 35# kb. It kicked my butt but it only took me 10:00 minutes, so I'm guessing jump rope wasn't a fair trade for box jumps.
