Friday 12.16.11

Tonight : Ugly Sweater WOD at 5:30p and party to follow at The Compound. We will have food,drinks, games and prizes. We'll have heaters, activities to keep you moving, and extreme ping pong matches to keep our bodies warm. Let's celebrate this Christmas Compound style! 
A brief description of the Burgener Warm Up.  For those of you in the Oly Lifting Class, this should be your everyday warm up!

Warm Up: Burgener Warm Up w/ PVC

SWOD: Hang Power Snatch 1-1-1-1-1

Metcon: "Randy".  Compare to 7.22.11
For time:
- 75 Power Snatches (75/45#)

If you set up your barbell with small metal plates, then the range of motion for the power snatch is from just below the knees to overhead.

Post weights and times to comments.


  1. SWOD: 55, 65, 75, 85, 95 (failed x 5), 90

    Metcon: 7:55 rx'd (legs feeling tired)

  2. SWOD: 55,65,70,75,80(fail)
    Metcon: 7:24 rx'd

  3. SWOD: worked up to 75
    Metcon: 7:42 rx

  4. Swod: 115, 135, 155,165,185 x 1
    Metcon: 4:33 rxd,

  5. Swod: 55, 60, 65, 70, 75 (fail), 72.5
    Metcon: 7:12 rx'd (PR)
