Thursday 3.29.12

Mike working on hip flexibility prior to lifting. 
If you haven't heard yet, Mike put together a Tough Mudder team for the Compound in September.  He says its 90% full now, so if you want to join us sign up right away!

Strength: Weighted Pull Up 5-4-3-2-1.  Go for a 1rm PR if you can

Conditioning: Strength and Conditioning Recovery for Quality (from CrossFit Endurance):
3 rounds:
-GHD Sit-ups x 15
-Hip Extensions x 15
-Kettlebell Swings x 15
-Push Ups or Bench Press x 15
-Ring Rows x 15

All exercises are with light – medium weight. This is NOT a timed workout. This can and should be done the day of races, after long runs, or after interval work. The ability of this workout to assist in recovery, especially immediately after a long run, half or full marathon, tough mudder, etc. is extremely helpful in getting you back to training. "Fran" is tomorrow.

Or make up the CrossFit Total or Filthy Fifties!

Post scores to comments.


  1. SWOD: bodyweightx5(3 strict, 2 kip), 10x4(kip), 15x3(kip), 17.5x2(kip), 20x1(kip)
    Conditioning: 3 rds completed with abmat situps with two 10lb dumbells, 44KB

  2. Snatch: 55
    Clean & Jerk: 80
    Oly Total: 135

  3. Snatch: 135PR
    C&J: 145PR
    Oly Tot 280
