Wednesday 3.28.12

Normally we do Filthy 50 on Saturday, I decided to replace the 5k with it today.  I have not yet heard any complaints.

Skill: Max. Vertical Jump and Box Jump. 3 attempts at each after a good warm up

Conditioning: "Filthy Fifties"
For time:
-50 Box Jump (24/ 20 inch box)
-50 Jumping Pull Ups
-50 Kettlebell Swings (35/26 lbs)
-50 Steps of Walking Lunges
-50 Knees to Elbows
-50 Push Press (45/ 35 lbs)
-50 Back Extensions
-50 Wall Ball Shots (20 /14 lbs)
-50 Burpees
-50 Double Unders

In order to be Rx'd you can do this workout in any order, except the Burpees and Double Unders must be done last.

Compare to 12.31.11

Post times to comments and try to make the big board!


  1. Max Vert jump 18.5 in

    Metcon: 32:24 (only did 10 burpees and knees to elbow could have been better)

  2. vertical jump: 28in
    box jump:42.5in

  3. SWOD: Vert= 17, Box= 34
    Metcon: 26:52 (PR)

  4. Vert 18.5; box 34; 50's 31:05 (pr)

  5. VJ: 16.5, Box 41.5, 50's: 32:19

  6. It's obvious that I need to come in more. My last filthy 50 was Oct. 2011. I used a 10# ball/singles and my time was 41:22

    Today I used a 14# ball but I missed 45 burpees and only did 100 singles in 40:00

    Something to aim for in three months.

  7. Vertical jump - 18"
    Box Jump - 28", tried 30" once and probably could have done it but wimped out and hit my shin... ouch!

    Metcon - 32:06 (single unders instead of double unders)

  8. Metcon: no double unders, and only 10 burpees. Didn't see my time, probably in the 40 minute range. (34 weeks prego)

  9. Replies
    1. pr..felt sick after, weird. Nice job Mikey.

  10. Vertical Jump 19.5"
    Metcon: 30:22

  11. Metcon: 28:17
    Only did 30 burpees.

  12. Vert 17"
    Box J's 36"

    5K 22:20
