Thursday 2.28.13

Anthony putting his fitness to work!

Skill: 2 on the minute for 10:00:
- Handstand Push Up.  At the hardest variation you can maintain

WOD:  For time:
- 15 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (135/ 85#)
- Run 200 meters
- 20 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (95/ 65#)
- Run 400 meters
- 30 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (65/ 45#)
- Run 800 meters

Post weights and times to comments.


  1. SWOD: Tried kipping but not working today. Used bands for HSPU

    Metcon: 11:39

  2. handstand push up w: parrelet bar X 6, reg. hand stand p/u to the floor
    Metcon: 14:47 RX

  3. Skill: 1abat on a 10# plate
    Metcon: 13:44, 85#, 65#, 65#
