Saturday 5.21.11

The Solano County SWAT Team after a days training at Marine World

Metcon:  "Blame Greg" (45 min cap)
-100 Double Unders
-90 Squats
-80 Sit Ups
-70 Wall Balls
-60 Toes to Bar
-50 Back Extensions  (or Supermen)
-40 Walking Lunges
-30 Pull Ups
-20 Handstand Push Ups
-10 Muscle Ups


  1. 30: 21 ring dips instead of muscle-ups. (was at failure)

    Had a great time. It was nice to see all the kids out there at 8am. Good job everyone!!!

  2. 35:38 spent over four minutes on MU attemp/ring dips (ditto Greg, was at failure) PR on double unders..52!!

  3. 6-mile 30# ruck march honoring the Gold Star Moms: 1:59:20

  4. Holy Crap, got all the way through pull-ups. Attempted a headstand push-up. Thanks Greg! Tired!!!!!

  5. Nice Greg. 43:23 for me!

    First metcon that went over 15:00 for me in a long time. took me 8- 10 min for T2B and Muscle Ups each

  6. 34:58

    Used 30 med ball for 36 reps... Grabbed a 20# when it opened up. Subbed 1000m row for double unders, my ankle cant take jumping.

    Good workout Greg.
