Wednesday 12.01.10

 Here's an example of a lifter using a belt to keep his spine from exploding out of his back.  We would rather use the belt to teach us to properly stabilize our mid-line without the belt, whether it be an overhead lift like today or for squatting, or pulling.

HSPU Day #16

Shoulder Press- Work up to 1 @ 90% +, then 65% of 1rm for one set of maximum repetitions.

5 Rounds for time of:
- 10 Push Presses (use your 65% Shoulder Press weight)
- 400m Run

For the shoulder press, add a little weight to whatever you pressed for a single rep last week on 11.24.10.  Even if you only add one pound, try and add some weight without hitting failure.  Then drop the weight to 65% of your 1rm and do 1 set of maximum repetitions to failure.  We rarely train you to concentric muscle failure, but today we will.  So make Muscle and Fitness, Flex, and any other awesome bodybuilding magazine proud and work until absolute muscle failure.  If you want to wear cut off jean shorts and work boots to do it, we won't judge.

For the metcon, leave the bar loaded with 65% of your shoulder press 1rm.  You will clean this weight from the floor and do 10 push presses (yes I know you just hit muscle failure, but now you can use your legs!).  Then run a 400m sprint.  Do that a mere 5 times and you're done!

Post weights and times to the comments section!  bc

Tuesday 11.30.10

Brian Cushing, outside linebacker for the Houston Texans, runs a 4.15 second 5-10-5 shuttle.  This drill is rapidly replacing the 40-yard dash as the standard by which professional football players are judged.  This is due primarily to the fact that the 40-yard dash does not account for change of direction speed like the short shuttle does.

HSPU Day #15

Tabata Mash Up of:
- Wall Ball (heaviest ball to a 10' target)
- Toes to Bar

5-10-5 Short Shuttle x 5 attempts

For the metcon we will alternate :20 of all-out wall ball shots and :10 rest with :20 of all-out toes to bars and :10 rest.  The entire metcon will take 8:00.  Your score will be the lowest total reps of wall ball in any :20 period and your lowest total reps of toes to bar in any :20 period.  If you can't do toes to bar, do knees to elbows as the sub.  If you can't do knees to elbows, bring your knees up as high as possible on each rep and try not to come off the bar during the :20 work period.

For the shuttles, we will cycle through one at a time until everyone has done the shuttle five times.  Your score will be your fastest time and your slowest time of the five runs.  

 Post shuttle times and tabata scores to the comments section!  bc

Monday 11.29.10

Ah, the after Turkey Day, L-Tryptophan-induced coma.  I know it well.  Since most of us calorie loaded this weekend, let's take advantage of the anabolic hormone producing environment we've created and get our deadlift on!

Deadlift 90% + 10 lbs x 1, 70-75%  x2x5

AMRAP in 15:00 of:
- 3 HSPU's
- 6 KB Swings (heaviest possible)
- 12 Sit Ups
- 24 Double Unders

For the deadlifts, compare what you did on 11.19.10 for your 90% weight, and try to add weight to that without hitting failure.  Hopefully you are able to add 5-10 lbs for a difficult but not impossible single rep.  Then go to 70-75% of your last 1rm for two sets of 5 reps.  On the multiple rep sets, remember not to bounce the bar or do "touch and go" reps.  We want to develop our capacity to lift the barbell off the floor from a dead stop, so we must train that ability.  Pause for 1-2 seconds between reps and reset your body positioning during that time for perfect pulls every rep.

For the metcon, the HSPU's should suffice for those doing the 90-Day HSPU Challenge.  We are on day #14, so as long as you get 4 rounds + 2 HSPU's during the WOD, you will have completed your prescribed reps for the day.  The reps are low for the swings so go as heavy as possible.  Rx'd sit ups are with an Abmat but feel free to use the GHD if you want more of a challenge.  The sub for double unders for this WOD will be 4/1 singles to doubles, or 96 single jumps per round.

Post weights and numbers of rounds completed to the comments section!  bc

Sunday 11.28.10

I often get questions and discuss with people what types of shoes are best for training, which can become a very involved topic. Many times I see people at the gym take off their shoes for the strength lifts and/or metcons. While this serves a purpose in correcting some of your form problem, and its definitely GOOD to train that way now and again,  the question I ask myself is, “Why is everyone not able to find a shoe that works best for everything!?” Then it struck me. There is too much information out there and its difficult to sift through it all and know what choice is right and what is a sales pitch. Take running shoes for example, shoes are made with more cushioning and heel allowing you to run, wrong…comfortably.  Different shoe brands, Fleet Feet type stores, most runner’s magazines, etc. do little or nothing to correct this.

Then I remembered that I faced this very same conundrum a few years back. When I started training, I trained in my New Balances I found in Sports Authority under the shoe section “Cross Training.” Those shoes had to be the ones because cross training is exactly what we do, train in different modalities. However, the uneven heels and soles made up of some lift and cushion at the ball, a lot of lift and cushion at the heel, and an arch set at a specific height only made my feet hurt and me completely unstable. I had used Chuck Taylor’s when I was heavy into Powerlifting and that was a great shoe, but running in them was not the most comfortable thing because I laced them up so tight to support my ankles that it felt like I was running in ankle braces. So I turned to Adidas Sambas and they worked good and still do for indoor soccer or for everyday comfortable use, but I personally never felt completely stable in them while lifting weights.

So I did some research and who best to turn to then the guy who has ran himself and trained people to run in everything from marathons to ironmans to 100 milers. He is Brian Mackenzie, founder of CrossFit Endurance, and he has studied and played around with more folks’ feet than most. And he understands exactly the type of training we do, because he does it all. When I learned about Mackenzie in 2007, he was talking about using skateboarding shoes, specifically DC’s, for our strength and conditioning due to their versatility to do just about anything we do in the gym. I tried them after all the other shoes and have been using them ever since.  Would I use Vans, Etnies, Converse, Nike, etc. skate shoes?  Sure, but I'm partial to DC's now.

Mackenzie has a blog called ‘I am UnScared’ and wrote a great post on this subject on November 22, 2010, entitled “Shoes”.  Read it, is has great info and he has not changed his view on shoes and he gives great insight on running shoes as well. And if you don’t have time right this second to read it, then at least take two minutes and look at his video from a month or so ago on the topic:

So figure out what shoes work for you because as Brian Mackenzie says, "The fact is, you can run faster with shoes on, and you can lift more with shoes on."  But don't take anyone's word for it.  Try out different types for yourself. cc

Saturday 11.27.10

 The gymnastics and bodyweight movements are tough and often times exceed our abilities.  But just the fight to achieve the movements, even one rep, can add so much more to your current fitness level and you are pushing yourself harder than the majority of even those in the fitness world.

SWOD (optional): Power Clean 90% x 1, 80% x 3 x 3

Metcon: “Ryan”
5 rounds:
-7 Muscles Ups (or sub of choice)
-21 Burpees
Each burpee terminates with a jump one foot above max standing reach.

We weren't able to program a SWOD for yesterday, today is a chance to make up for it if you want to.

Post times to comments. cc

Friday 11.26.10

For all you shoppers out there, check out this SNL video at this link.

***The gym is closed today.  Enjoy your time off!  If you would like to do a workout today from home, try this one:

Metcon: Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
30 second Handstand hold
30 second Squat hold
30 second L-sit hold
30 second Chin over bar hold (Or tree branch, or rafters, or rings, or doorway headers, etc)

Post rounds to comments. 

What does “Rx’d” mean?

Many of you new to our gym or those still working to bring up your fitness levels might see our workouts and the weight that we prescribe and think, “Golly gee! I couldn’t do that weight!” I hear some of those comments from time to time, (Last Thursday with 155 lbs Snatches or Monday's Lunges to name a few). Sometimes it doesn’t have anything to do with the weight, but the exercise: some of us can’t complete Toes to Bars by getting their toes all the way to the bar. Some of our knees cause us pain when we run and we opt to row instead. Pull ups are a big one, with ring rows, jumping pull ups, or bands being an option. Handstand Push Ups to a mat instead of to the ground is common as well. The list can go on and on.

When you complete the workout EXACTLY as written, then you are doing the workout as prescribed or “Rx’d”. Any changes, or scaling, to the workout means you are not doing it as prescribed. This goes for scaling up or down. It is not a bad thing to scale the workout in anyway. It can be frustrating and it should, because that frustration should help you form goals that help to improve your fitness, with the goal of performing each workout as “Rx’d”. But it’s not going to happen over night, it will take lots of time and work:

Here are some example workouts:

Prescribed/ Rx’d:                  Scaled Down:                            Scaled Up:
3 rounds:                               3 rounds:                                    3 rounds:
-12 Power Cleans @ 95#   -12 Power Cleans @ 55#       -12 Power Cleans @ 95#
-18 Abmat Sit Ups               -18 Abmat Sit Ups                     -18 GHD Sit Ups
-24 Pull Ups                         -24 Pull Ups w/ bands                -24 Pull Ups

The prescribed workout is written with one thing in mind, improving the fitness on some level of the most capable people at The Compound. We know when we write these workouts that not everyone can complete them, but it should serve as a barometer to everyone of where their fitness is and should go to. If you can’t complete the program as written, no problem at all! We got plenty of ways to switch it up so you can complete the same workout, stay within your abilities, and get you closer to “Rx’d.”

The scaled down version has two things going on. First, the weight was too heavy so it was dropped to a weight that can be handled but still give a good workout. The Sit Ups were doable for this person, but Pull Ups aren’t there yet so they used a band. It’s still a great workout for that person and it has the same exact effects as the original one.

In the scaled up version, everything returned to normal, but this person wanted to recruit multiple muscle groups in the sit up portion and scaled up to GHD Sit Ups, a much tougher version of the sit up. While this is harder than the original workout, it will provide similar effects of both the original and scaled down versions. But it is also not as “Rx’d.”

At a recent pistol training course I attended at Thunder Ranch, Clint Smith, an expert rifle and pistol instructor, said to us, “If you’re shooting too fast that you miss the target, slow down, and shoot good.” That same cue was repeated throughout the weekend as shooters would get haphazard with their shots, “Don’t shoot fast, shoot good!” Simple, not grammatically correct, but effective. This is like the daily workout we post each day. If you can’t handle the weight without getting injured, or you can’t complete a rep with full range of motion, scale it down and do the workout “good”. Sure, it’s not “Rx’d”, but it is the best workout for your overall physical fitness levet at this time. And that’s all we care about because that will cause you to improve for the next time the workout show up. cc

Thursday 11.25.10

We have come a long way this past year.  This was all the space we started with in February.  I am definitely thankful to all the members of The Compound for all the hard work you do to make the gym as great as it is!  Happy Thanksgiving!

Metcon: "Thank WOD it's Turkey Day"
( this will be a partner workout)

-1 mile partner run
 Then 3 rounds for time of:
-200 meter sand bag/ heavy bag carry: pass off bag to partner at 200 meter mark
-Tire sledge drives 10 each arm, partner does abmat sit ups til partner done then they switch
-Turkish get ups 10 each. arm, partner does knees to elbows/toes to bar until partner done then they switch
-40yrd (90lb)Sled pulls 2x then switch

Post your partner and time to complete.

****A reminder, this workout will only be taking place at the 9 and 10 am hours and not throughout the day.

Wednesday 11.24.10

I tried to catch Thom doing his "Thom-Squats" this week, but he decided to try proper form this time!

SWOD: Shoulder Press 90% + 5# x 1, 70-75% x 2x5

Metcon: “The Chief”
Max rounds in 3 min:
-3 Power Cleans @ 135/ 85
-6 Push Ups
-9 Air Squats
Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles.

Post rounds completed for each of the 5 cycles and your shoulder press weights. cc

Tuesday 11.23.10

Sweet Potato Fries were a nice treat after lunch to recover from a brutal Squat and Lunge day!  As for the soda, well that's not the goal I'm working on presently and "diet mountain dew does taste more like regular mountain dew"...(wonder if I can get any sponsorship for plugging the product?).

SWOD: Planche Push Up practice x 30

Metcon: 5 rounds:
-400 m Run *
-15 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 95/ 65

*If raining you can sub 500m Row or 50 Double Unders

The SWOD is not for time, but for doing 30 good reps at the most difficult progression for you.  This is a progression exercise to eventually work up to a Planche, which can be found with description and video here

For the metcon, the best advice is move fast to stay warm!

Post times to comments. cc

Monday 11.22.10

Doug put in a lot of working yesterday "helping" me put in new fencing.  By "helping" me I of course mean I stood there and held things and misplaced tools while Doug did all the work.  Thanks again Doug!

SWOD: Back Squat 90% + 5 lbs x 1, then 70-75% x 2 x 5

Metcon: For Time:
Reps of 10-8-6-4-2:
-Overhead Walk Lunges @ 155/ 95 (One step = one rep)
-Chest to Bar Pull Ups

For the SWOD, know your 1 RM so you know how to partition your work sets.  We are going up for one rep at 90% + 5 pounds, basically add 5 lbs to what you went up to last week (unless you found your 1 RM, do the correct percantage this time).

For the Metcon, this is short, heavy, and explosive.  For the Overhead walking lunges, make sure each step is done with complete control of your body and the bar.  Your back knee should lightly touch the floor, not slam against it.  The bar should be over your head in an Overhead Squat position.  Chest to Bar means anything below the collar bones need to touch the bar for the rep to count.

Post weights and times to comments. cc

Sunday 11.21.10

L to R: suede, velcro, and leather belts- all options at The Compound

Learn to use your belly!

Many of you may have noticed a fashion statement going around the gym lately in several classes, the wearing of the weight belt. The weight belt is more than just an awesome adornment, or a way to protect your back when from injury, or an item that you think you should wear just because other people do so it’s got to be cool. It makes an effective training aid too.

Everyone who squats or moves heavy weights around (everyone who trains at The Compound for example) should know how to use his or her abdominals. You must learn how to breathe into your belly. You want to pull as much air as you can into your belly, then flex and force your abdominals out.

How can you tell if you are breathing correctly? Walk over to a mirror. Take a look at your shoulders and take a deep breath. Did they rise? If they did, then you're pulling all the air into your chest, not your belly. You need to learn how to breathe into your belly. At the moment you’re exerting the most force on an external object (the weight); your belly must be pushing out, making your entire core stable and strong. The air in your belly creates tightness in the midsection that also protects the back. The weight belt serves as an extra set of abdominals.

For lifting, I’d advise tightening the belt as much as it will go, then backing it off just one notch. This is to teach you to pull air into your belly then push out into the belt. The belt acts as a great training aid to push against and you should be attempting to break the belt off you with your belly. We can use the belt to teach how to use the abdominals for the squat, bench, deadlift, shoulder press, etc. I do not necessarily advocate its use for every lift unless the lifter feels it's needed. If it’s necessary for you to use a belt to place more weight on your body and put more stress on your prime movers and the spine, then have at it because it will make everything stronger. I believe you should try to lift as heavy as you can on your warm ups sets as possible, eventually trying to wean yourself off the belt for the most part.

We want as much tightness and support as we can get from the gross muscles of the spinal erectors, abdominals, and obliques. Many of you have already noticed when you put the weight belt on AND breath properly you are sitting up more in your squats, back pain that was there suddenly is not, and you are able to lift a little more weight. This is NOT a consequence of wearing a weight belt. It is a result of how you are breathing with the weight belt on and the immediate feedback you get from pushing out on an object. If you can learn to do that on your own on any and every exercise, injuries will go way down, efficiency will go up and with it your weight on your Totals as well! cc

Saturday 11.20.10

U.S. Navy Senior Chief Cryptologic Technician David Blake McLendon, 30, of Thomasville, Georgia, assigned to Naval Special Warfare Group 2 Support Activity in Norfolk, Virginia, was killed September 21, 2010, in a helicopter crash during combat operations in the Zabul province of Afghanistan. McLendon is survived by his wife Kate McLendon, his parents David and Mary-Ann McLendon, his brother Chris McLendon, and his sister Kelly Lockman.

Four rounds for time of:
- 100 foot Overhead Walking lunge (45/25 bumper plate)
- 30 Box jump (24"/20")
- 20 Wallball shots (Heaviest ball possible to a 10' target)
- 10 Handstand push-ups

This is a hero WOD so do it justice!  On the lunges make sure your trailing knee touches the ground.  On the box jumps choose the highest box you can get to and make sure to fully open the hip at the top.  Go to the 10' target on the wall ball shots, even if you have to scale down the size ball you normally use to get it there.  For the HSPU's, use a target like an Abmat (or a few Abmats if necessary) to ensure consistent range of motion.  Always be looking to gradually increase that range of motion.

For those following the Handstand Push Up Challenge, (Dat #5) the reps in this WOD will more than suffice!  If you missed one of the strength days and want to make it up, you can do that as well!

Post times to the comments section!  bc

Friday 11.19.10

The Conventional Deadlift

The Sumo Deadlift
Deadlift:  Work up to 1 @90%, then 3x3 @80%

AMRAP in 10:00 of:
    - 4 Ring Dips  (Scale with bar dips or box dips)
    - 8 KB Swings (heaviest possible)
    - 12 Sit Ups  (Scale up to GHD)

For the SWOD, either deadlift variation is acceptable.  This goes for any time we deadlift unless a specific variation is prescribed.  There are benefits to training both variations, but for this strength cycle it is best to train with the variation with which you can pull the most weight with best form.  For the multiple rep sets, make sure you are not bouncing the weight off the floor, or even doing "touch-and-go" reps.  Each rep must start from a dead stop, hence the name "dead" lift.  Pause for a second or so between reps.  Also, you may drop the weight on the last rep of each set, but for a true set of three you must lift it and lower it, completing all 3 reps without letting go of the bar or resting between reps.

This rep scheme should look familiar this week.  While the rep schemes will vary over the next five weeks, the schedule will remain rather consistent while we push our strength levels up.  If you want to make sure you PR on your next total, make every effort to come to The Compound at least every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

For the metcon, ring dips are rx'd, but use whatever dip variation will allow you to get four good reps with some difficulty but without hitting failure.  If you're feeling good, use the heaviest KB possible with good form and scale up to GHD sit ups.  Abmat sit ups are the rx'd variation for this WOD.

Post weights and number of rounds completed to the comments section!  bc

Thursday 11.18.19

This is the partner-assisted version of the Glute Ham Raise.

Review the Glute Ham Raise.  Then do 3x10 with a partner.

3 Power Snatches and 5 Abmat Sit ups on the minute for 15:00 at 155/95.  If you need to scale the weight, use 70-75% of 1rm.  Assess a penalty of 5 Burpee Pull Ups per round not completed at the end.

For the Glute Ham Raises, start in the upright position just like in the video above.  Lower yourself under control and use your arms to catch yourself in the push ups position when needed. The object is to pull yourself back up using mostly your glutes and hamstrings, but you can assist yourself up to the degree you need to with your arms.

For the metcon, warm up with Burgener warm up and then gradually load the bar to your work weight.  On the minute perform 3 power snatches and 5 Abmat Situps.  If you are unable to complete a round, you owe 5 burpee pull ups at the end.  On each new round, begin again with power snatches regardless of where you finished the previous round.

Post weights and number of penalties reps to the comments section!  bc

Wednesday 11.17.10

Jenny in the finishing position of a shoulder press (or push press, or push jerk).
Shoulder Press:  Work up to 1@90% of 1rm, then 3x3@ 80%.

AMRAP in 20:00 of:
- 5 Pull Ups
- 10 Push Ups
- 15 Squats

For the SWOD, this is the same loading percentages as we did for back squats on Monday.  These sets should be heavy, but you should not hit failure.  Remember that the rx'd percentages are guidelines and can be dropped if you're not hitting all the reps.

For the metcon, use whatever pull up modification you need to challenge yourself but complete the reps.  Push ups should all be from a plank position.  If you need to elevate your hands in order to do that go ahead.  NO KNEE PUSH UPS!!!!  Squats should be to a medicine ball to ensure proper depth on each rep.

Post weight and number of rounds completed to the comments section.  bc

Tuesday 11.16.10

 The "Hollow" position is a position involving the entire body.  The term "hollow" refers to the back.  Note how the lower back is pressed into the floor resulting in a rounded position.  Mastery of the hollow position will help you in many of the gymnastics movements we train, including all forms of handstands, handstand push ups, and holds.

Hollow Rock review.  Then we will do one set of maximum time hollow rocking.  The challenge is 3:00 with good form.

10 x 100 yard sprints with 1:00 rest.  The sprints will be done as 50 yards out and 50 yards back.

Finding the Hollow

Sometimes just finding the hollow body can be a difficult task for some people. Once learned, the hollow body is relatively simple to get into but it can be a challenge to an athlete who has never tried it before.  Here is a way to find the hollow:

The part of the hollow that people have trouble with is the pelvic tilt. The pelvis has a small range of motion and we do not generally think about pelvis movement like we do arm and leg movement for example. Thus, it can be quite tricky for some to concentrate on holding the pelvis in a particular position.

If you will just relax and lay down flat on the floor with the arms extended above the the head, you will see that the body naturally forms an arch in the lower back. While laying on your back, take one arm and try to place it under your lower back. Notice that your hand can go right under your back as if going through a tunnel. The key aspect of the hollow body is to press the lower back to the floor so that little "tunnel" goes away. In order to do this you must be able to tilt the pelvis.

One way to get to the hollow is to start on your back with arms extended above the head. You can then lift the arms and shoulders off the ground slightly as if in an attempt to do a "crunch". (Yes, you are going to have to squeeze those abs!) Continue to lift the shoulders and arms together until you begin to feel the lower back start pressing the floor. At the same time, begin lifting the legs off the ground slightly. You should not have to lift the legs so that the heels are much more than 12 inches off the ground. Keep the legs tight together and point the toes. When you reach the hollow position (like above) you should feel the lower back pressing the floor. Have someone try to fit their hand under your back. They should not be able to. You should be squeezing your abdominals, thighs, and glutes very hard.

Congratulations! You have found the hollow!  bc

Monday 11.15.10

The starting position for a Jerk is the same as the Shoulder Press and Push Press.

SWOD: Back Squat: Work up to 1@90% of 1rm, then 3x3@ 80%.

Metcon: Perform for time:
- 15 Power Clean and Jerks 155/ 95
- 5 Chin Ups
- 10 Power Clean and Jerks 155/ 95
- 10 Chin Ups
- 5 Power Clean and Jerks 155/ 95
-15 Chin Ups

For the SWOD, know your 1 RM so you know how to partition your work sets. WE ARE NOT SETTING NEW MAXES TODAY! We will be attempting to move the weight up an average of 5 pounds each week, so the goal is to start lower than maximal effort and work up.

For the metcon, Power Cleans and Power Jerks will be performed. For some of you at this weight it may be faster to simply push press the weight above your head. But for today's workout, we want to see the re-bending of the knees in a push jerk or split jerk position.

Post weights and times to comments.

Sunday 11.14.10

Strength Training.  Because it's awesome.

At The Compound, from the coaches to the newest athlete, we are all in different phases of our fitness journey.  Some can do all the WODs as rx'd, some are brand new and have to scale even the simplest of movements.  But despite these differences, all of us share one common bond:  we all need to get stronger.

Stronger athletes are dominant athletes.  Stronger men and women are more confident  men and women.  Stronger kids get injured less by developing denser bones and thicker tendons and muscles around joint structures.  Stronger CrossFitters are better at metcons, strength training, and gymnastics, and therefore develop a higher level of fitness.  Keep an eye on your fellow Compounders and you will realize that those athletes that consistently get stronger in the SWODs also usually perform better in the metcons.

With that in mind, we set out to test our current strength levels in the CrossFit Total last Friday.  Hopefully you did the total and wrote down your results.  That will be your starting point for the next six weeks of training at The Compound.  

For the next six weeks we will train around the three CrossFit Total lifts: the back squat, shoulder press, and deadlift.  We will train variations of these lifts, and will train these lifts with maximal effort, dynamic effort, and repetition method techniques.  We will work with high percentages of our 1rm for low reps during the strength training so our central nervous systems get used to having heavy weights on our backs, shoulders, and in our hands.

This is the time of year when normally our calorie consumption goes up due to holiday and family parties.  While we don't want to condone eating with reckless abandon, it is almost unavoidable to not indulge somewhat during the holidays.  So lets make good use of the extra calories and get our strength up!  

Don't worry, folks.  Of course we will be doing metcon as well.  At no time will you leave the gym thinking you can do more!  The programming will not differ too much from what we've been doing, but it will be focused on increasing the three CrossFit Total lifts.  And once that foundation of strength is laid, watch your other CrossFit numbers climb!  bc

Saturday 11.13.10

 Matt W. and Ryan S. at the Fall Strength Challenge.   Is the stare on your face Matt after your brutal fight with the Bench Press?

Metcon: As many rounds possible in 30 Min:*
-10 Burpees
-10 Pulls ups
-10 Double unders
-10 Sit ups
-10 Wall Balls (heaviest possible)
-10 Chin ups
-10 Box Jumps (28”/ 24”)
-10 Handstand Push Ups
-10 Squats
-800m Sprint

*Or CrossFit Total make up

Not much to say about this WOD but…..Get after it!

Friday 11.12.10

Matt M. hitting a close grip bench press at the strength challenge on 11/6

WOD: CrossFit Total

Take 3 attempts at a 1RM in the following lifts:

-Back Squat
-Shoulder Press
-Dead Lift

Once you get to the gym, make sure you get a good sweat going before you start the lifts. Also, start light and work your way up going through the motion of each technique. Remember, stay back on those heels, tight core, active shoulders, and pull your knees out. You can go through as many warm up sets as you need. Now, that you have warmed up you will have 3 chances to reach a new PR for each lift. The lifts must be completed in the order from top to bottom. Before you get into the gym know what you previous PR is for each lift so you can get right to warming up.

After your warm up, start with a heavy weight that you know you can lift, around 80-85% of your max. For the second rep, try for a new PR or just under your old one. Make sure that you do not go to much higher than you previous PR. If you succeed then add a few more pounds and go for a 3rd and final rep. If you do not get that 2nd weight then drop the weight, higher than your first rep, and get after it! Take the highest weight accomplished and score that for the lift.

Take the max of all three of your lifts and add them up.  This will be your CrossFit Total. Make sure that you record your weight for each lift and your score, because we will take 6 weeks to improve our strength in those lifts, and total again at the end of the year.

Thursday 11.11.10

3 2 1 GO!

SWOD: Row as many meters as possible in 5 min (Challenge 1400m)

Metcon: 5 rounds for time of:

-5 Handstand Push Ups

-15 Burpee Pull ups

For the SWOD, make sure you are pushing with your legs first. Then pull with your arms, bringing the handle to the middle of your stomach. Also, in this exercise, you will still need to maintain a strong tight core. Now lean forward and allow your arms to fully extend before bending your knees. The key to this exercise is long consitant pulls; keeping the chain as hoizontal as possible. Not letting it bounce around.

Wednesday 11.10.10

Key points - active shoulders, hips forward, and up on balls of the feet. Also, arms fully extended

SWOD: Clean 1 rep Max, Then 80%x2, 60%x4, 40%x6

Metcon: For time

-9-6-3 reps of Thrusters (135/95)

-27-18- 6 reps of Ring Rows

When executing the clean it is imperative that you fully extend your body as shown in the picture. Make sure that you drive your hips forward as you come up on the balls of your feet, also, making sure that you're shrugging your shoulders with NO early arm bend. This will allow for maximum pull on the weight so it can reach weightlessness (All the lifting of the weight should be done with your legs and traps). Once the bar has reached that "weightless spot," you must commit to the fall under the bar. If you do not commit 100% to the fall then you end up catching it at chest level and have to muscle it to your shoulders for proper placement of the front squat. This will cause you to waste energy and strength, in addition to, causing you to rock or step forward taking you of that midline stabilization.

For the Metcon, pace yourself on the thrusters and try not to break the set. One round will consist of 9 thrusters and 27 ring rows, 6 and 18, and so on…

Tuesday 11.9.10

Focus on the position of his hands; close to his body, like he is putting his hands in his pockets.

SWOD: Weighted Ring Dips 1 rep Max

Metcon: 5 rounds for time

-40 Double Unders

-10 Ring Dips

-40 Sit Ups (scale up to GHD)

When starting the dip, make sure that you keep your elbows pointing back and your wrists turned slightly inward. If you allow your elbows to point out to the side, this will naturally allow you hands to slide away from your body as you start to descend. As you descend you want to make sure that your elbows are staying close to your sides and pointing back through the decent and ascent. This will give you more control throughout the motion. Notice in the picture that the rings are close to his body and they are touching his arm pits at the bottom. As you push up - make sure that your hands run right up the sides of your body and KEEP YOUR ELBOWS POINTING BACKWARDS. Now add more weight!

Monday 11.8.10

Take a look at the posture and the position of his knees. This is good form.

Take a look at how far forward she is leaning. Also, notice her knees coming in.

SWOD: Snatch Push Press 3x3 or Snatch Balance 3x3

Metcon: For Time
-400m sprint
Rest 30 sec
-400m sprint
Rest 40 sec
-400m sprint
Rest 50 sec
-400m sprint
Rest 60 sec
-400m sprint
Rest 50 sec
-400m sprint
Rest 40 sec
-400m sprint
Rest 30 sec
-400m sprint

For the SWOD make sure that you warm up with good technique. Find that "sweet spot" where the bar is locked out overhead ,with active shoulders, and tight core. Making sure that you are not leaning forward as shown in the second picture. The bar should never be over your back with your shoulders in front of the bar. Also, keeping in mind that you need to pull your knees out. This will keep you stable in the hole and give you a stronger push out of it. Not to mention, it will avoid knee injuries.

Sunday 11.7.10


The mental aspect of the workout is just as important as the physical part of the workout. I am sure you have heard, “mind over matter.” This is absolutely true. The more you “think” you can the more you WILL. If you are pushing yourself, then you reach a point where you are not sure that you can get that 1 extra rep without putting the weight down, that one extra pull up, or that extra distance on your run. Knowing that you are in control of your body and it will do what your mind says will take you to the next level. Another part of this is commitment. Commitment makes athletes….Champions. When a Champion makes a decision to commit, they do not let anything get in their way. They keep the “I can” attitude and let everything else fall by the way side.

It is important to know what challenges you and attack that challenge with a full head of steam. When you show up at The Compound with a focus, it brings a level of intensity to your workout that can elevate your results. All this stems from keeping your head in the game. It is all about pushing through the tough part and finding that it does get easier. Victory is sweet even if it a small goal that you have set and achieved or a large one.

Saturday 11.06.10

"Dead Man's Hand". Image from

Metcon:   "Deck of Cards"

This workout will be done as a team (as one whole team or two teams). Shuffle the deck and leave it face down on one end of the gym. The teams will start on the opposite end of the gym and one member will sprint to their deck, pick a card, and sprint back.  Each member of the team will complete the prescribed number of reps for the prescribed exercise. When the last person is done, the next member of the team will sprint and draw the next card. First team to finish wins.

*Diamonds = Knees to elbows
*Hearts = Burpees(real ones)
*Clubs = Lunges (one step each leg = 1 rep)
*Spades = KB Swings
*Joker = 400m sprint

-Each numbered card is face value
-Aces are worth 1 rep
-Face cards are worth 10 reps

Post your team's time to comments.

Friday 11.05.10

Image of the foot taken from

Raphael Ruiz, from, is an excellent coach in sprint mechanics and improving athleticism and has worked with some of the top athletes in professional sports. Coach Raphael has a great trick for spotting a potential ACL injury, the "Navicular Drop." ("Wiki" your feet on the web and see if you can spot your own navicular bones.) Remember that nothing happens in your body out of the context of human movement. When you are coached to get your knees out while squatting, not only is this a stronger position in which to generate power, but it will protect your precious ACL's.  The "drop" is simply a flattening out of the natural arch that should be prevalent in the medial side of the foot.  Even with flat feet, you should try to artificially create that arch in the foot by pushing your knees out, even if if means rolling the foot slightly to the lateral side.

SWOD: GHD Sit ups 3 x 15

Metcon: Complete in as few sets as possible:
95/ 65 pound Overhead Squat, 75 reps.

For the metcon, rest only up to one minute between sets (no resting for 5 minutes to get fewer sets). 

Post number of sets to completion to comments.

Thursday 11.04.10

L sits and L Pull Ups can be done almost anywhere.

SWOD: Shoulder Press 3-3-3-3-3

Metcon: 15 Handstand push-ups
1 L Pull-up
13 Handstand push-ups
3 L Pull-ups
11 Handstand push-ups
5 L Pull-ups
9 Handstand push-ups
7 L Pull-ups
7 Handstand push-ups
9 L Pull-ups
5 Handstand push-ups
11 L Pull-ups
3 Handstand push-ups
13 L Pull-ups
1 Handstand push-up
15 L Pull-ups

For the metcon, If you are still trying to get pull ups, jump up to get your chin above the bar, strike the L-Hang position and work a negative rep in the L-Hang the entire way down.

Post weights and times to comments.

Wednesday 11.03.10

 The ladies of the Compound indoor soccer team.

SWOD: Weighted Pull Ups 3-3-3-3-3

Metcon: "Annie"
Reps of 50-40-30-20-10 of:
-Double Unders
-Sit Ups
Compare to 7.23.10

For the SWOD, if you are still working on Pull Ups then work on whatever variation you need.  This is a strength exercise, so isometric work in the form of negative or static repetitions will be more beneficial than bands support or jumping pull ups.  Remember, it is the consistent  attempt of the rep that will provide you the most benefit for next time.

For the metcon, this is all out as fast as you can go.  Sit ups are from the floor, ab mat, GHD machine, anything you want to use.  If you are still working with Single Unders simply multiply the reps by 4.

Post weights and times to comments.

Tuesday 11.02.10

Practicing some Mobility WOD squatting while looking at his paleo-friendly (for this week) treats!

SWOD: Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5

Metcon: For time:
Deadlift, 15 reps @ 55% of today’s 5RM
Run 800 meters
Deadlift, 12 reps @ 55%
Run 800 meters
Deadlift, 9 reps @ 55%
Run 800 meters

For the SWOD, let's review the terminology since there are so many new members out there I do not get to see too often. When the strength program calls for "5-5-5-5-5", that means you do 5 repetitions of the movement, adding weight to every set till you get to a maximal set of 5 repetitions. Yes, you add weight to every set in the hopes of reaching maximal effort. When a program say "5x5" this means to do 5 sets of 5 repetitions at the same weight for all 5 sets. This is after a proper warm up building up to this weight. The same goes for "3-3-3-3-3" and "5X3", "1-1-1-1-1-1-1" and "7x1", etc, and any variation you can think of.

For the metcon, go for perfect form over time while performing the deadlift. You can make the time up on the run.

Post weights and times to comments.